Auto Start/Stop
The Oracle Cluster Services handle the automatic start and stop of the Cluster, Listener, ASM and the Database.
For the Grid Control Agent, the auto start- stop is handled via the /etc/init.d/dbora script. On server boot the dbora script starts the agent with /home/oracle/scripts/start_agent. On server shutdown the dbora script calls /home/oracle/scripts/stop_agent
Manual Start/Stop
Each database instance may be manually started and stopped using standard sqlplus scripts. However, it is highly recommended that the srvctl command interface be used in a RAC environment. Note that srvctl commands can be run remotely from any node in the cluster.
srvctl start nodeapps –n hostname
srvctl stop nodeapps –n hostname
srvctl start listener –n hostname
srvctl stop listener –n hostname
srvctl start database –d edwdev
srvctl stop database –d edwdev –o immediate
srvctl start instance –d edwdev –i edwdev1
srvctl start instance –d edwdev –i edwdev2
srvctl stop instance –d edwdev –i edwdev1
srvctl stop instance –d edwdev –i edwdev2
srvctl start asm –n hostname
srvctl stop asm –n hostname
Grid Control Agent
Set environment to ‘agent’ using . oraenv
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent
Francisco Munoz Alvarez
CRS-0215: Could not start resource ‘ora.sunblade6.LISTENER_SUNBLADE6.lsnr’.
I stop the listener through and want to start through srvctl command but it gives above error…suggest me what to look further…
Can you please post how do you stopped the listener and the exact command are you trying to use to start it?
Francisco Munoz Alvarez