- Ensure the Oracle database version can be monitored by Grid Control in Metalink article “Note 412431.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Checker”.
- Request firewall ports to be opened for 2 way traffic between your target and your Grid Control server. Test by issuing telnet commands on port 4889 from your target to your Grid Control server.
- Download the appropriate agent software version according to the Metalink note above. The downloads are about 500Mb and are here http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/oem/htdocs/agentsoft.html
- Install the software according to Oracle’s installation documentation on their website. When the installer asks for the Repository server, add the IP of your Grid Control server port 4889. The agent registration password is the current SYSMAN password5. Ensure an “agent” entry has been added to the Oratab file on your target server. If not, add one yourself
Post Installation Configuration:
- Add your target machine name to the grid control server hosts table.
- Add GC machine name to target hosts table.
- All licensed options are selected by default when you add install a new agent. To remove them go into SETUP – MANAGEMENT PACK ACCESS. “Search Database” and ensure all boxes are unchecked. “Search Host” and ensure all boxes are unchecked.
- Logon to Grid Control and add passwords in PREFERENCES – PREFERRED CREDENTIALS. Enter passwords for HOST, DATABASE and ASM (if using ASM)
- Now add the DBSNMP monitoring password. Go to TARGETS – ALL TARGETS – “Targets Not Configured”. Click on the number next to “Targets Not Configured” which is a hyperlink. Locate the target from your new server and click Configure. Then you will then enter DBMSP password. Set this is the SYS password. Save click NEXT, SUBMIT, OK.
- Turn on default Alerts on PREFERENCES – RULES. Check “Database Availability and Critical States” and click CREATE LIKE. Copy this rule and append your site name to the rule name, eg “Database Availability and Critical States XXXX”. Save this new rule and check PUBLIC. Click SETUP-ADMINISTRATORS-CREATE and add a new SYSMAN account and email address to receive these alerts. Eg XXXX_SYSMAN.
- If desired customize your database alert log monitoring. Follow Metalink Note:405396.1 and Note:330996.1.
Francisco Munoz Alvarez